How Do You Eat Healthy on the Road?

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- We’re On-the-Go and Eating Out More Than Ever Before
- Who’s eating out at least once a week?
- 53% of Millennials
- 43% of the entire population
- How many times do we grab a bite outside of the home per month?
- Millennials: 9.7
- Gen X: 8.4
- Baby Boomers: 8.2
- Eating out is no longer saved just for special occasions
- Average of 16 occasions to eat out per month
- 14: Everyday occasions
- 2: Special occasions
- Younger Americans Are Embracing Healthier Eating Options
- What do Millennials define as healthy?
- “Healthy” ultimately means fresh, less processed, and fewer artificial ingredients
- Previous generations cared more about less calories and fat
- “Healthy” Across the Generational Divide
- The Generation Gap on the Importance of Buying “Healthy”
- Millennial Eating Habits Are Changing the Game
- The line between meals and snacks is blurring
- Millennials are more than 2X as likely than other generations to grab snacks between meals
- In 2014, snack sales soared to $374 billion around the globe
- Younger consumers are more likely to shop at specialty health food stores
- 69% of Gen Z
- 70% of Millennials
- 51% of Baby Boomers
- 43% of Silent Generation
- Food is an adventure
- 40% of Millennials report that they want to try new kinds of ethnic cuisines and “anything new and different”
- Compared to 34% and 32% of Gen X and Baby Boomers
- Convenience, freshness, and time is of the essence
- Millennials are more likely to purchase healthy, frozen/pre-packaged foods and spice them up with fresh ingredients and seasonings
- To learn more about a new kind of convenience store with made on premise coffees, iced teas, wholesome snacks, and the purest water possible, visit